Heart for Israel Worship Vol 1
Heart for Israel Worship Vol 1

Heart for Israel Worship Vol 1

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Tracks list

1 - On Your Walls O Jerusalem; 2 - Elohim (and the Angels Sing); 3 - Be'Libi Tzafanti; 4 - Father, Hear Our Prayer; 5 - Hebrew Chant; 6 - O Lord Our Lord; 7 - He Is My Defense; 8 - Lamb of God; 9 - Baruch Haba; 10 - Kadosh; 11 - Hineh Lo Yanum; 12 - Hallelu Et Adonai; 13 - Holy unto You; 14 - Blessed Be the Lord, God; 15 - Jew and Gentile; 16 - The Restoration of Israel

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