Tracks list
1 - His Eye Is on the Sparrow;
2 - Softly and Tenderly;
3 - Be Thou My Vision;
4 - Lord of Hosts How Lovely;
5 - He Leadeth Me;
6 - My Jesus I Love Thee;
7 - There Is a Redeemer;
8 - I Need Thee Every Hour;
9 - Great Is Thy Faithfulness;
10 - I Know That My Redeemer Lives;
11 - Just As I Am;
12 - Rock of Ages Cleft for Me;
13 - Old Rugged Cross;
14 - I Will Arise and Go to Jesus;
15 - Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus;
16 - Jesus the Very Thought of Thee;
17 - O How I Love Jesus;
18 - Crown Him with Many Crowns;
19 - Have Thine Own Way;
20 - Nothing but the Blood;
21 - O Come Let Us Adore Him;
22 - The King of Love My Shepherd Is
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