If you want to walk on water, you've got to get out of the boat
If you want to walk on water, you've got to get out of the boat

If you want to walk on water, you've got to get out of the boat

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You're ine step away from the adventure of your life.

Deep within you lies the same faith and longing that sent Peter walking across the wind-swept Sea of Galilee toward Jesus.

In what ways is the Lord telling you, as he did Peter, "Come".

John Ortberg invites you to consider the incredible potential that awaits you outside your comfort zone. Out on the risky waters of faith, Jesus is waiting to meet you in ways that will change you forever, deepening your character and your trust in God.
The experience is terrifying. It's thrilling beyond belief. It's everything you'd expect of someone worthy to be called Lord.

The choice is yurs to know him as only a water-walker can, aligning yourself with God's purpose for your life in the process. There's just one requirement:
If you want to walk on water, you've got to get out of the boat.
ISBN: 9780310340461
Producer: Zondervan
Product Code: 9780310340461
Dimensions: 140 x 212 x 17 mm
Weight: 0,230kg
Binding: Brossura
Number of pages: 220
Language: English UK

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John Ortberg
John Ortberg

John Ortberg è il pastore senior della Menlo Church. I suoi insegnamenti ruotano intorno al modo in cui la fede in Cristo influisce sulla nostra vita di ogni giorno con Dio.

Ha scritto libri sulla formazione spirituale tra cui The Life You’ve Always Wanted, Who is This Man?, The Me I Want To Be, Soul Keeping, All The Places To Go e tra i più recenti I’d Like You More If You Were More Like Me.
John insegna anche in tutto il mondo nelle chiese o tenendo delle conferenze.

Nato e cresciuto a Rockford, nello stato dell'Illinois (USA), John si è laureato al Wheaton College in Psicologia. Poi ha preso il Master of Divinity e il dottorato in Psicoogia clinica al Fuller Seminary, svolgendo il tirocinio post-laurea resso l'Università di Aberdeen, in Scozia.

Prima di servire alla Menlo Church, John è stato insegnante e pastore alla Chicago’s Willow Creek Community Church.
Attualmente è membro del consiglio al Fuller Seminary e del Dallas Willard Center for Spiritual Formation. È stato anche nel consiglio di Christianity Today International.

John e sua moglie Nancy hanno tre figli adulti.