Yes Kids Bible Colouring Book
Yes Kids Bible Colouring Book

Yes Kids Bible Colouring Book

Libro da colorare per bambini

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Splendido libro da colorare con le tavole delle più importanti storie della Bibbia.

Il titolo delle tavole è in inglese per introdurre i bambini alla lingua anglosassone.

La quarta di copertina si può ritagliare per ricavarne una maschera da indossare.
ISBN: 9781920460594
Producer: DV1
Product Code: 9781920460594
Dimensions: 215 x 280 x 2 mm
Weight: 0,090kg
Binding: Spillato
Number of pages: 24
Language: Italian

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Lilani Brits(Illustrator)
Creatore, scrittore e disegnatore di libri per bambini e ragazzi, come "Yes Kids Bible Colouring Book" e "Yes Kids Bible stories about prayer" ha collaborato con Ewald van Rensburg.

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The Yes Kids Bible Story series is based on 2 Corinthians 1: 20, 2l. Verse 20 tells us that the promises of God are stamped with a big Yes! from Jesus. Jesus is the centre of everything we preach, teach and pray - He is God's great Amen (so be it). When we say Yes! to Jesus verse 21 tells us: "God affirms us, making us a sure thing in Christ, putting his Yes within us."

(The Message):
The aim of the YesKids Bible story-series is to build right character in kids. I believe right character leads to right life choices; which in turn leads to right living.
Right living is what the Bible calls wisdom.
Wisdom is the art of living well in whatever circumstances we find ourselves.
Isn't that what every parent wishes for their kid(s)?