Chasing God, Serving Man examines the great arena of conflict that involves the worlds forced segregation of the "spiritual" from the "secular." Without the mediation of Christ Jesus, these two opposites continue to repel one another, whether it is in the Church, the workplace, or the home.
Tenney calls for a forging together of the passion for God and compassion for man. This will take a divine encounter somewhere between Martha's kitchen and Mary's worship.
The ultimate goal is more than a momentary or occasional visitation - it is nothing less than habitation. This much we know from the New Testament pattern: "If Mary and Martha are both in the house, then God is happy." The key is for God's people to cross "the dividing line of passion and compassion" and meet Him at the junction of the Cross - the single point in time and space where passion for His presence crosses with compassion for His highest creation.