KJV The A. W. Tozer Bible - Black
KJV The A. W. Tozer Bible - Black

KJV The A. W. Tozer Bible - Black

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"The Word of God well understood and religiously obeyed is the shortest route to spiritual perfection. Nothing less than a whole Bible can make a whole Christian." —A. W. Tozer.

Key writings of one of the twentieth century's most profound Christian authors are married with the scriptures that A. W. Tozer loved, studied and wrote about over the course of his forty year ministry. Hendrickson Publishers is proud to introduce the A. W. Tozer Bible, which will introduce a whole generation of readers to his work. Tozer (1897–1963), an pastor, preacher, student and teacher, is perhaps the closest American writer to C. S. Lewis, with the same penetrating insights and straightforward use of language. His bracing words, which accompany related passages throughout this Bible, unlock many of the mysteries of the Scriptures in language that could have been written today. 

This unique volume features over 500 key selections and teachings, taken from more than 40 of Tozer's writings, ranging from seminal bestselling books like The Pursuit of God and The Attributes of God to lesser-known works such as The Size of the Soul and The Root of the Righteous.

Each selection appears in one of three categories:
• On ScriptureOver 365 selections, each sharing the page with the Bible passage to which it refers, add depth and insight to a particular verse's application for the believer.
• Reflections More than 100 writings that apply the deep meaning of the Christian faith to everyday life.
• Challenges Nearly 100 entries, tied to scripture, that exhort the reader to resist complacency in particular areas of one's "living out" the Word in the world.
• Special Features
• Brief biography of A. W. Tozer
• Over 500 Tozer selections
• Book introductions
• Words of Christ in red
• Concordance
• Maps
• Silver page edges
• Ribbon marker
ISBN: 9781598568912
Producer: DC1
Product Code: 9781598568912
Dimensions: 170 x 245 x 42 mm
Weight: 1,140kg
Binding: Pelle
Number of pages: 1664
Language: English UK
Versione: KJV (King James Version)

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Aiden Wilson Tozer
Aiden Wilson Tozer(Compiler)

Aiden Wilson Tozer (1897-1963) fu pastore, predicatore, autore, editore di riviste e mentore spirituale. Per il suo lavoro ricevette anche due titoli di dottorato ad honorem.
I suoi 44 anni di ministero pastorale iniziarono cinque anni dopo la sua conversione con la Christian and Missionary Alliance e servì numerose chiese negli Stati Uniti e in Canada.

Degli oltre 60 libri che portano il suo nome, alcuni dei quali diventati dei classici della letteratura cristiana, la maggior parte furono redatti dopo la sua morte raccogliendo i sermoni da lui predicati e gli articoli che aveva scritto. Visse una vita semplice e lontana dal materialismo, destinando i diritti acquisiti dai suoi scritti ai bisognosi.

Le sue riflessioni, spesso scomode e penetranti, continuano ancora oggi ad avvincere il pensiero e smuovere l’animo dei credenti, incoraggiandoli a coltivare una relazione sempre più profonda con Dio.
Il fulcro della sua vita personale e della sua predicazione era la preghiera: come affermò il suo biografo, "i suoi sermoni e i suoi scritti erano delle estensioni della sua vita di preghiera".