You are my witnesses - The Waldesians across 800 years
You are my witnesses - The Waldesians across 800 years

You are my witnesses - The Waldesians across 800 years

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Across eight centuries the waldesian story adds up to a devot and daring practice of Christian discipleship rooted in biblical faith, honed by critical conscience and drien by a keen sense of public responsability. This volume includes the revised edition of Giorgio Tourn's "The Waldesians", and new chapters on the Methodist experience in Italy (the Methodist and Waldesians churches were federated in 1979), the waldesian experience in Latin America - both dating from the mid 1800s - and the post - WW II waldesian - methodist witness in Italy.
ISBN: 9788870160895
Producer: Claudiana
Product Code: 9788870160895
Language: English UK

Book contents

A word from the Moderators; Foreword; A DIASPORA OF DISSIDENTS (1170 - 1532) - Valdesius and the "Poor" (A man named Valdesius; The "Poor"; On notice...); The years of crisis (The Lombards; Toward definitive condemnation; Bergamo); In the Italy of the communes (Between Guelfs and Ghibellines; Francis of Assisi; The Waldesian commune; Toward a theology); Toward the Baltic (In the lands of the Empire; Artisans and merchants; A familial piety; Waldesians and witches); The bastion of the Alps (To the mountains! Rebels with a cause; Theology of the two ways; To the south beyond the Alps); The Waldesian - Hussite "International" (The Bohemiam revolution; The "International"; Relentless Inquisition); The Reformation (Luther and the Waldesians; Chanforan); THE PROTESTANT OUTPOST (1532 - 1689) - Revolution's hour (A Protestant Piedmont? "Rise up and build a church anew!";Martyrdom); Scorched earth and massacre (In Provence; In Calabria); War of Religion (The enigmatic Emanuele Filiberto; A watershed parchment without a name); Counter - Reformation Europe (Lesdiguières' Huguenots; Friars and debates in the squares; Geneva and Huguenot France); A time of visitations (Violence and war abounding; Onerous laws, paper wars, scholarly works; The plague); A springtime of blood (The circle closes; ...and still more massacre; Janavel, Puritan rustic; Protestant Europe outraged; Outlaws); Exile (The shadow of Versailles; The January edict; Three days with destiny; The "unconquerables"; From prison to exile); Repatriation (Alliances in search of a new Europe; The long march; The longest day); THE ALPINE GHETTO (1689 - 1848) - The Ghetto is born (The curtain falls; The ghetto; Farmers and the elite); The revolution (Liberty's tree; The Napoleonic interlude); Restoration (Back to 1730? A bishop's challenge; Friendly pilgrims and diplomats; The Great Revival; The general; The fateful year 1848); ACROSS ITALY! (1848 - 1945) - Italy, my country (The quest for full liberty; "Either you are missionaries, or..."; The discovery of Italy; The heroic decade); The Protestant factor (In step with the liberals and Masons; Evangelization's hour; Cultural life; To the Americas; The little world of "educated farmers"); The New Italy (Falling behind in new times; In the wake of WWI, in the dark night of the Concordat); A THOUSAND TONGUES TO SING: THE METHODIST EXPERIENCE IN ITALY (1859 ONWARD) - Risorgimento and the Great Revival; In pursuit of "Christian civilization"; The Free Church and "masonic evangelism"; Into the new century: democracy under fire; Through Fascism's dark tunnel; Rebuilding: toward a new Methodism in Italy? A CHARGE TO KEEP: THE WALDESIAN EXPERIENCE IN LATIN AMERICA (1857 ONWARD) - Transplanting: from the old to the new world (1857 - 1877) (Emigration - a matter of survival; The promised land; The firs settlement in Uruguay); Consolidation and expansion (1877 - 1955) (Daniel Armand Ugón; The launch in Argentina; The early 1900s; The education priority; Emigration to Argentina); Assimilation and reorganization (1955 onward) (From an immigrant church to a naturalized church; The training of pastors; Tension and conflicts; Specialized ministries; For one another: freedom and responsability); WALDESIAN - METHODIST DISCIPLESHIP IN THE LATE TWENTIETH CENTURY (1945 ONWARD) - Bittersweet times; Going through changes; The challenge of secularication; The Vatican Council and Catholic dissenters; On the Protestant front; An autonomous region; The twelve tribes of Israel; Waldesian is beautiful... Three currents; Set free for discipleship; Editor's end notes; For further reading; The Waldesian church: Administrators since emancipation, 1848; Administration; Specialized ministries; Voices in 1980s.

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Giorgio Tourn
Giorgio Tourn, nato nel 1930, pastore valdese, storico e teologo, è stato presidente della Società di studi valdesi e della Fondazione Centro culturale valdese. Fra le sue numerose pubblicazioni ricordiamo: I valdesi. La singolare vicenda di un popolo-chiesa; I protestanti: una rivoluzione; Italiani e protestantesimo. Un incontro impossibile?. È autore anche di un romanzo storico sul Rimpatrio dei valdesi, I giorni della Bestia.